Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reading newspapers

Reading newspapers can increase knowledge and current awareness of what is going on around the world.  It also alerts us to upcoming events in sports, entertainment, community activities, etc.  It's one of the ways I keep up on current affairs. 

I read newspapers in the morning before I start work.  If I don't get to read it in the morning, I read it after work at home in the evening.  Not that I read the whole thing. I read the local and international news, entertainment or lifestyle section and sometimes, sports.  I just flip through the rest.  I probably skip the advertisement and business section unless I'm looking for something in particular.

I like reading the reviews for movies, books and music.  They keep me updated and sometimes influence my decision whether to watch the movie or not, buy the book or not or listen to the song or not.

TV and internet provide news and information faster, cheaper and more frequently than newspapers.  Although I watch news on tv and read it over the internet, I still prefer reading newspapers. 

Till next week, let me continue reading the newspapers ^^


  1. Newspaper is a mass advertisement platform. Even those advertisements reach to local people because it appears in an easy way to understand In India, newspapers use lots of pages for advertisement and it is an important part for business which helps them to develop. Click on below link to read more
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  2. Newspaper is very useful to know about whats going on in world...Nowadays most peoples are use online news portal for updated the current news.. .For more breaking news visit: Breaking News
